Friday, December 02, 2005

Straight Hate

The BAAF (Britain's biggest adoption agency) stated in November that homosexuals can make better parents than heterosexuals because of their "greater variety of life experiences".

I guess some of them do have a greater variety of life experiences - if you count things like rampant promiscuity, anonymous sex in toilets and overexposure to designer labels, that is. I had thought that relationship stability and financial security were the main criteria when it came to adoption eligibility. Now that "variety of life experience" seems to be "where it's at" normal adopters had better get in line behind the circus acrobats, polar explorers and transvestite midgets.

The main qualification that BAAF seems to think gays have is that they are not heterosexual. In less enlightened times the response to this might have been "If you can't pay the fare, keep off the bus."

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