Saturday, December 10, 2005

...Of the Same Coin

In a particularly cringing act of obeisance to the idol of political correctness new Tory premier David Cameron visited a centre for “black youth” before facing Tony Blair over the dispatch boxes in the House of Commons. Clearly sucking up to minorities has replaced kissing babies for politicians rich in personal ambition but poor in vision and integrity. And if you had been hoping that this embarrassing piece of electioneering barrel-scraping would be redeemed by a blistering performance in the Commons, chances are you were sorely disappointed.

Cameron has vowed to end “Punch and Judy” performances in the Commons, you see. I had thought that one of the great strengths of our democracy was that people were able to violently disagree without agreeing with violence. Not David Cameron it seems. Cameron is a fan of “consensus politics”. I’m a bit wary of consensus politics, personally. Mainly because when they tried it in the old Soviet Union and it resulted in the murder of around sixty million people.

The old cliché, “when everyone is thinking the same, nobody’s thinking very much” seems appropriate. "Consensus politics", even within the context of a multi-party democracy, is just another way of saying "totalitarianism". In The Morning of the Magicians (Louis Pauwel and Jacques Bergier's classic of counter-cultural literature) it was predicted that future governments would take the form of secret societies. Sure enough, in western Europe this secret society has taken the form of an amalgamation of minority interest groups, single-issue agitators and neo-Marxist academics. The acolytes are generally inculcated with the dogma of the cult in our educational establishments, and the belief system is reinforced via the medium of popular culture. Everyone knows that this is where the real "consensus" is coming from.

The differences between Blair and Cameron are so negligible as to be irrelevant. It's more a case of the clothes having no Emperor than the Emperor having no clothes.

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